Delivery Information
The price you pay for standard UK delivery is for a Next Working Day service, but it is not guaranteed. Assuming orders are placed before 1:30pm weekdays, most areas do receive delivery the next working day, but please allow up to 2-3 days, especially to Northern Ireland and to more remote locations due to the current large volume of deliveries being undertaken by all couriers. If you have not received delivery by the third day from placing your order, please contact us and we will investigate further.
Accessories or swatch card only orders will be despatched via post and could take 3 - 5 days to deliver.
Our cut-off time for dispatching products the same day as you place your order is 1:30pm. If you place an order after this time, it will be despatched the next working day. Dispatches are made Monday – Friday only and excluding Bank Holidays.
If you need an urgent guaranteed delivery then timed deliveries are available - please select the appropriate despatch service when ordering. Saturday delivery may be possible - for this please contact us and we will advise you of the surcharge costs applicable.
We cannot be held liable for refund, credit or compensation due to delivery delays beyond our control.
Goods are despatched in good condition and good faith, we will refund or replace damaged goods but cannot accept claims of compensation or consequential loss.
Taking Delivery
Please only sign for what you have received! We know this seems a little obvious but if you sign for two packages and have only received one, it makes it very difficult for us to track any missing packages.
Please try to ensure there will be someone available to take delivery of your goods at the address you specified, as there is a risk involved in leaving goods elsewhere. If you are not available to take delivery, the driver should leave a card advising you how to contact your local depot to arrange re-delivery.
If you advise to leave the package/s in a 'safe place', please understand this is at your own risk.
Please notify any delivery shortages or damages to us immediately upon receipt. If there is evident transit damage, please either refuse delivery or sign for the goods as unchecked and with evident outer carton transit damage.
Claims of damage may be refused if not notified to us within 7 days of delivery.
Shipping to other locations
We can ship to virtually any address in the world (with some exceptions). Our website has many drop-down country options but if you require delivery to a country not included in the list, please contact us and we will advise the relevant courier price based on the product, quantity and destination.
The shipping costs to other locations can vary dramatically depending on how quickly you need the boxes and the total weight of the consignment. Please contact us with the details of what you would like to purchase and the full delivery address so we can advise the best cost option.
Returns Policy
You may return new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full product refund, provided the goods are received back to our warehouse in good condition. Please ensure gift boxes are in their original inner and outer packaging.
We do not refund the original delivery cost unless the return of goods is the result of our error.
You should expect to receive your refund within two weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, or receipt of the goods back to our warehouse. In many cases you will receive a refund much sooner. Please do not return goods without advising us, as we may be unable to identify them and refund you promptly.
Returned goods should be sent to our Bedford warehouse. We can advise you on the best arrangements, depending on the nature of the issue. Foldabox will pay for and arrange return shipping ONLY when the return is a result of our error, for example you have received the wrong products or defective/damaged products.
If you need part-replacement for damaged goods, please contact us and we will advise the best options for arranging return / replacement / credit.
If you need to return product for whatever reason, please contact us so we can advise you and make the necessary arrangements.
Do not return goods without first notifying us and obtaining a return code, or this may result in a delay in identifying the product/s and issuing you a refund.
Orders over £200.00 net value will be subject to a £15.00 restocking fee that will be deducted from the refund.
Unfortunately, due to the fact we cannot control the storage conditions of delivered goods, we cannot accept return or replacement of defective goods after 30 days from delivery. Please check your delivery carefully upon receipt to ensure you are entirely satisfied.